Xenocard is the best minigame present in Xenosaga Episode I as it involves a lot of strategy and a bit of luck. Anyway, here's the winning deck that I use:
Card List
- 3x Lv 1 Shion
- 2x Lv 1 KOS-MOS
- 2x Lv 10 Shion
- 3x U-TIC Soldier
- 3x Realian Male
- 3x Realian Female
- 3x 100 Series
- 3x Combat Realian M
- 3x Combat Realian F
- 1x Simeon
- 2x VX-10000
- 2x Matthews
- 3x Miyuki's Email
- 2x Mary & Shelley
- 2x Investigation
- 3x Waste Money
Deck Construction
- Lv 1 Shion
- When this card destroys another card on your opponent's side of the field, you can select 1 Lv 10 Shion from your deck and add it to your hand.
- This deck mostly revolves around this card, so consider summoning this as a top priority during your first turn.
- Lv 1 KOS-MOS
- This card is quite hard to summon due to her field requirements but all of those are negated if Shion is on your side of the field.
- Lv 10 Shion
- Offer Lv 1 Shion on your side of the field to summon this directly to your battlefield without fulfilling the requirement and paying the cost.
- U-TIC Soldier
- This card have an ATK of 2 for something you can summon immediately.
- All-Purpose Realian Male
- When this card is summoned, draw 1 card during your Adjust Phase.
- The purpose of this card is to act as meat shields for Shion and your Deck, thus preventing your enemy from inflicting direct damage to you.
- All-Purpose Realian Female
- Same as above.
- Mass Produced 100 Series Realian
- Meat shield and a decent close-ranged attacker.
- Combat Realian Male
- This is a great card to draw during your first turn along with Lv 1 Shion because it gives you the ability to attack your opponent directly before they can manage to build a defense.
- Combat Realian Female
- Same as above.
- Simeon
- This card can only attack once every two turns but it has an effect that inflicts 1 damage to all cards on your opponent's side of the field, each turn.
- Probably the hardest card to summon in this deck. Being able to summon it will pretty much insure your victory though.
- VX-10000
- Same as Lv 1 KOS-MOS, you can summon this card without fulfilling the requirement and paying the cost as long as Shion is on your side of the field
- Matthews
- While this card is on the field, both players must pay a Cost of 1 during the beginning of their respective turns.
- Kinda a double-edged sword but a nice way to hasten the battle.
- Miyuki's Email
- Negate the activation and effect of your opponent's Event Card.
- Only use this if your opponent activates an Event Card that lets them recover cards to their deck.
- Mary & Shelley
- Draw two cards and add them to your hand.
- Investigation of the Planetary Disappearance
- Draw 5 cards. Select 1 and add it to your hand. The rest are returned to your deck.
- Use this to draw key cards like Waste Money, KOS-MOS or VX-10000 to support Shion on the field.
- Waste Money
- Both players must draw an additional 1 card during their respective Draw Phase.
- This is kinda a double-edged sword like Matthews but it will really hasten up the game and save you some time.
Deck Strategy
- Your starting hand must consist of Lv 1 Shion and at least 1 Combat Realian (preferably 3). If not, then press
to reshuffle and draw again until you do. You can keep exchanging cards up to 5 times per battle.
- Summon Lv 10 Shion, KOS-MOS or VX-10000 and preferably more Realians.
- Just keep attacking your opponent's deck directly. It usually takes up to Turn 5 before the opponent can build a decent attacking force, so use this as an opportunity to inflict as much damage as possible before they do.
- With Waste Money and Mathews to hasten up the game, the battle should be over before they could even land a direct attack on you.
Gameplay Video
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