The third Master you'll face in the Holy Grail War is an adorable girl by the name of Alice. She is the most interesting Master so far because behind her cute and child-like demeanor lies a mysterious aura. Here's a guide for the third week of the game.
The Third Selection
Day 1
- School Building 2F:
Enemy data is announced on the bulletin board. Your opponent is Alice.
Enemy Servant Matrix Level 0.
- Commissary:
New items available in the shop.
Ether Fragment
1,500 PPT
Silver Earrings
10,000 PPT Old Rusty Sword
10,000 PPT Mermaid Robe
18,000 PPT - Private Room (Archer):
Special conversation with Archer. Viewing this conversation is required for your Servant to reach Matrix Level E before the end of the game.
Speak with Archer
Save Leave your private room
Should I pursue that question? ...I probably shouldn't bring it up. - Rooftop:
Talk to Rin Tousaka. Although the choices below would only affect your conversation, selecting the second one would make it look like you dislike her.
It's not like I got a choice. Better her than you. - School Building 1F:
Event with Alice. She'll ask you to play tag with her.
Sure, why not? - School Building 1F:
Talk to Taiga Fujimura and she'll ask you to search for an illicit Magazine inside the school campus.
Yes ma'am. No ma'am.
Now head outside into the Schoolyard and talk to the Male Student there. He'll agree to give you his Comic Book in exchange for a Large Cauldron.
- Nurse's Office:
Talk to Sakura to receive your weekly supply of healing item, Magic Crystal Shard.
- Third Chimeric Lunar Sea — First Floor:
Here's the complete map for this dungeon. Click to enlarge.
Taiga's Request will only show up on the map if you accepted her request earlier and spoke with the Male Student at the Schoolyard.
- Playing Tag with Alice:
You'll meet Alice inside the Arena and she'll ask you to play tag and then run away. Chase after her until she summon her friend to block your way.
Stand and face it. Run away.
Since you don't know anything about your enemy, it is wise to run away for now. Face it and you'll be crushed without any ounce of mercy. Use a Return Crystal or run to the entrance to escape. Enemy Servant Matrix Level 1.
However, if you are brave enough to face the impossible and prove yourself to be worthy, the enemy will escape and you'll see the event below.
Note: Even if you managed to defeat the red giant during this day, the next day would still proceed like normal and you are still required to get the Vorpal Blade to take it down again.
- Taiga's Request:
Grab the Cauldron before exiting the Arena as you'll need it tomorrow.
Day 2
- School Building 2F:
Talk to Alice and she'll ask you to play hide and seek with her and then disappear.
- School Building 1F:
Head to the Arena Entrance to find Alice. She'll answer your questions as a reward for playing with her.
Who is that girl in black? Tell your "friend" to move.
Head to the stairs and ask Rin Tousaka about the Vorpal Blade. She'll tell you to find an alchemist to discuss this thing about.
What is a "Vorpal Blade"? Er, I was having fun playing... - School Building 3F:
Talk to Issei Ryuudou in front of the bulletin board and he'll tell you about the Atlas Institution where Rani came from. Now proceed to the end of the corridor and talk to Rani.
Are you an Atlas alchemist, Rani? It's nothing.
What is a "Vorpal Blade"?
She'll agree to make you a Vorpal Blade but she'll be needing a Malachite.
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Rin Tousaka again and she'll agree to give you a Malachite in exchange for a Ruby.
I don't think she'll give me any. - Commissary:
New item available in the shop.
5,000,000 PPT
Talk to the Sales Clerk and try purchasing the Ruby. The Sales Clerk will make you a deal and give you the Ruby in exchange for one of Sakura's Lunch.
As I have no choice...*Sigh* There's no way I can afford it.
Even if you have enough funds to buy the Ruby, your character would still refuse to purchase it because it's just too expensive.
- Nurse's Office:
Talk to Sakura and ask her a favor. She'll then give you Sakura's Lunch Ver. 0.
I have a request. - Commissary:
Talk to the Sales Clerk and hand her Sakura's Lunch Ver. 0 to receive a Ruby.
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Rin Tousaka and hand her the Ruby to receive a Malachite.
- School Building 3F:
Talk to Rani and hand her the Malachite to receive the Vorpal Blade.
- Schoolyard:
Talk to the Male Student and hand him the Cauldron to receive Manga. You'll need this item to complete Taiga's request on Day 4.
- Third Chimeric Lunar Sea — First Floor:
Go back to the red giant's location and engage him in battle.
- Servant Battle:
Victory Condition: Defeat the enemy.
Because of the effect of the Vorpal Blade, he is now vulnerable to damage so take him out just like any normal enemy.
Alice Eater
Target: Self
Increases strength.
The effect would only last for 3 turns.
- First Cipher Key:
Grab the Trigger Code Epsilon before exiting the Arena as you'll need it on Day 7.
Day 3
- Private Room (Caster):
Special conversation with Caster. Viewing this conversation is required for your Servant to reach Matrix Level E before the end of the game.
Speak with Caster
Save Leave your private room
I'm not sure I can make that decision.
- School Building 1F:
Event with Alice. She'll ask you to play a new game with them inside the Arena.
- Schoolyard:
If you haven't done so yet, this is your last time to talk to the Male Student and hand him the Cauldron to receive Manga. You'll need this item to complete Taiga's request on Day 4.
- Third Chimeric Lunar Sea — Second Floor:
Here's the complete map for this dungeon. Click to enlarge.
Taiga's Request will only show up on the map if you accepted her request on Day 4.
- Playing Tag with Alice — Round 2:
You meet Alice once again to play a game of tag but she activates a Reality Marble this time to make the game more exciting.
From now on, the Arena will eat up your existence the longer you stay inside so ignore the items for now and concentrate on chasing the little girl down. After running into a dead end three times, she'll eventually escape and leave Alice's Note behind.
Day 4
- Private Room (Saber):
Special conversation with Saber. Viewing this conversation is required for your Servant to reach Matrix Level E before the end of the game.
Speak with Saber
Save Leave your private room
Just choose whatever option you want. Since your character suffers from amnesia, you won't be able to tell her anything anyway.
Like, what sort of school I went to? Like, what sort of hobbies I had? Like, what sort of person I liked?
I don't have a wish. - Garden:
Event with the two Alices and some clue on how to destroy the Reality Marble.
- Schoolyard:
Talk to the two Alices to hear them talk about cutting someone's head off.
- Rooftop:
Talk to Rin Tousaka and she'll give you the best advice ever!
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Taiga Fujimura and give her the Manga. She'll ask you again to search for chunks of ice inside the Arena's second floor.
Of course. I don't have time to play.
- Third Chimeric Lunar Sea — Second Floor:
An event with your character will automatically trigger as you enter the Arena.
Francis...Xavier! Your name.
What's funny about this is that even if your character's name is Francis Xavier, the first option would still be incorrect no matter what.
Alice will appear once again and mention the Nameless Forest before leaving.
Enemy Servant Matrix Level 2.
- Second Cipher Key:
Grab the Trigger Code Zeta before exiting the Arena as you'll need it on Day 7.
- Taiga's Request:
Grab the Crushed Ice before exiting the Arena as you'll need it on Day 6.
Day 5
- Rooftop:
Long conversation with Rin Tousaka about Alice.
- Chapel:
Talk to Touko Aozaki to gather more info about Alice and she'll appear on your way out just to run off to the Library.
- Library:
Another event with Alice. You'll find a note on the floor when they disappear.
- Chapel:
Talk to Touko Aozaki again and she will tell you to read the note in front of a mirror.
- School Building 1F:
Head to the Bathroom for the next event. Entering the opposite gender's bathroom will make your character hesitate at first but searching it three times will force the character to shamefully enter.
- Library:
Search the shelves to learn more about Jabberwock.
Enemy Servant Matrix Level 3.
Read it. Don't read it.
Day 6
- Commissary:
New items available in the shop.
Super-spicy Mabo Tofu
480 PPT
This item is limited to this day only.
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Taiga Fujimura to give her the Crushed Ice and she'll give you the key item Taiga's Incense Burner as a reward. You can view the said item inside your Private Room.
- School Building 1F:
Event with Alice before the Arena Entrance.
Day 7
- Private Room:
Organize your information about the enemy Servant.
Organize your information. Save Leave your private room
a Rider. a Berserker. a Saber.
Remove you from existence. Retard all motion except running. Shrink your body.
The monster is the Master. Both Alices are actually one person. One of the Alices is the Servant.
Enemy Servant Matrix Level E.
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Father Kotomine if you are ready and select the first option to proceed.
Enter the Coliseum Continue Preparations - Elevator to the Coliseum:
The choices below would only affect the conversation before the battle.
RESULT A Play hide and seek. RESULT A Play tag. RESULT A Play house.
RESULT B Please don't cut my head off. RESULT B How about a different game? RESULT B Let's talk about fun things.
END I don't want to play with you. END ....We're in a war, Alice. END I don't want to get hurt.
- Servant Battle:
Victory Condition: Defeat Caster. (6,336 HP)
Since this battle is easy enough to win without any necessary equipment, I suggest equipping Exorcist Blade for the upcoming battle after this one. She has pretty low defense so she's really vulnerable to physical attacks which makes this battle a breeze when using Saber or Archer. She also strictly follows a set of predetermined attack pattern that repeats every 8 turns. See the chart below for more details.
White Queen's Enigma
Target: Self
Lowers magic resistance when using BREAK.
The effect would only last for 3 turns.The Plains of Winter
Target: Enemy
Inflicts magic damage and Stun against ATTACK.
If successful, you'll be stunned on your next move.Frenzied March Hare
Target: Enemy
Inflicts magic damage and Stun against GUARD.
If successful, you'll be stunned on your next move.Maiden's Empire
Target: Enemy
Condition: 8 turns have passed.
Does magic damage and completely heals your HP.
She will use her Noble Phantasm on a special turn after the 6th move of the 8th turn, so there is no way to interrupt this Skill.Dragon Skillet
Inflicts damage and Stun vs BREAK.
If successful, you'll be stunned.March of the Black Tea
Restores Servant's HP.
Small amount of heal.
- Aftermath:
Alice will ask you whether or not you cared for her before she disappears. This option isn't really important but would you say no?
Yes. No.
Event with Leo and Rin when you return to the school.
I have no choice but to fight. I refuse to continue fighting. I will find a reason to go on.
Intermission A
- School Building 1F:
Rani and Rin prepares for their elimination battle.
It is recommended to save your progress on a different slot as this is the point where the story branches into two.
Intermission B
- Multimedia Room:
Event with Julius. After he leaves, you'll see an epic battle between Rin's Lancer and Rani's Berserker. In the midst of battle, Rani decides to self-destruct and bring the whole Moon Cell with her in the explosion. You'll then be given a choice.
RIN ROUTE Use a Command Seal to rescue Rin. RANI ROUTE Use a Command Seal to rescue Rani.
Your Servant will then interrupt the battle at the cost of one Command Seal.
- Servant Battle:
Victory Condition: Survive for 1 turn.
Before the battle begins, your Servant will request the backup of another Command Seal. Don't use it as all it does is reveal the enemy's moves. But if you are under-leveled and really need to use it, then go ahead and do so. There's no consequences in using them.
Don't use. Unleash.
Just keep using your attack Skills with the lowest MP cost to prevent the enemy from attacking you and then use GUARD on the 6th move. For Caster, use her Skill Mantra: Aphotic Cave instead as it works a lot better. Also, if you have Exorcist Blade equipped before fighting Caster, you can Code Cast hack(16); to interrupt his Skill on the 6th move and stun him. This should guarantee your survival in this battle.
Fallible Bow
Target: Enemy
Inflicts physical damage and Stun on an enemy.
He will use this skill on the 6th move.
End of the Third Round
Killing Shinji felt good and was quite satisfying but killing Alice was the complete opposite of that, it made me feel bad about it. Not only did I crush a child's innocence but I took her dream as well. This just shows you how cruel this war really is.

remembers me so much to ff8 graphics!
thanks for the info :)
Nice guide once again, the girl at the top reminds me of Yin from Darker than Black.
Cheapskate! I'd buy it anyways just because I can.
I want to play it!
Just dreamed I was in this game. :S
dem lolis
@DWei That is impossible unless you play through NG+ several hundred times or something. It's just that expensive.
And you didn't really kill them, seeing that Alice was dead possibly several years or even decades/centuries (Judging from clothes) before the War.
I like the character! Seems very cool!
Very detailed..I like it!
why lolis always have big ass monstrous companions?
im not sure about spider man taking over torch's spot. that devil thing looks kinda cool though
Very cool
Very mysterious indeed.
my god you're really incredible -.- you always face your adversaries with such wide level gap against mine !! and you actually took down berserker ...
Now that's what i call a big sword.
ps :Resident Evil 6 = Operation Raccoon City
Hello there, I have a problem. I can't seem to beat Berserker no matter what unless I use the Command Seal.
What will actually happen if I use the Command Seal? Will it effect my journey later on?
The only far that I survived is at step 5, and then even though I used Guard, my servant (Archer)'s life goes to zero. :/
And it seems that the steps change when I change techniques as well.
What level I should be actually, to survive longer?
Can anyone help?
You are free to use the Command Seal if you like, you don't have any use for that later anyway. But if you die even after guarding against his Skill at full HP, then I'm afraid that you'll die regardless of whether you use it or not.
Are you above the recommended level of the last Arena you entered? Because I never encountered any problem like that ever. It was a piece of cake even for my Caster.
Did you follow what I did in the video? To use Skills on the 1st to 5th move then GUARD on the last one?
Yes, I'm actually above the recommended level, but Berserker is a real problem for me. However, I can pass if I use Command Seal to reveal all his skills, but I didn't go on since I feared it might affect my future journey and I'm too tired to just repeat it all again.
But if what you said is true, then I'll just use the Command Seal, since to me it's the only way. Thank you for answering!
While this is info is negligible, aside from the garden, the alices are also in the field on day 4, talking something about "cutting their heads off"..
Thanks for the info. I can't believed I missed that scene even after finishing the game 4 times already.
err alice is already dead in real life so there's really nothing there... unless you're into lolis
There's an error in this guide, regarding Caster. It's actually a pretty critical one, regarding her Noble Phantasm.
Caster follows an unchanging set of eight patterns every eight turns. With A for Attack, G for Guard, B for Break, and S for skill, her patterns are:
If she has not been beaten by the 8th turn, she will use her Noble Phantasm, which full-heals her. She will do this regardless of HP.
This is actually pretty thematic of Caster as a servant - the words of the story are always the same, but when the story is finished, you just return to the first page and begin again.
Thanks for sharing that info. I was trying so hard not to kill her to see her Noble Phantasm, and by the time we reach the 8th turn she was around 950 HP. I'll update the guide with this information as soon as possible.
You've just about got it, but the attack chart isn't /quite/ correct, I think - her sixth move on the 8th turn is a Skill, and THEN she uses her Noble Phantasm (much the same way Savior's comes after the turn proper). I could be wrong on that one, though, so I recommend verifying it.
I just verified, you are correct once again. I also verified this info during my previous revision, it's just that I wasn't paying enough attention I guess. I noticed that the last move she did was a SKILL icon but the last move I saw was her EXTRA move, I just thought it was an error on their part. I didn't notice that her EXTRA comes after the SKILL. Thanks again.
Hey, no problem! This guide's been a huge help for me, the least I can do is contribute.
Talk to Rani and hand her the Malachite to receive the Vorpal Blade."
That information is wrong, you changed the place, it is "School Building 3F:" not "Commissary:"
I'm glad that you are active and take into consideration all the comments posted, I was impressed with the speed of support, congratulations, sorry if i wrote something wrong, it's hard to think in portuguese and write in english correctly :)
Are you the one who corrected me for that Commissary typo? Thanks for that. I can't believe I never noticed that simple mistake.
in day 6, if you talk to caster she will gives you Nine Tails. I'm not sure what is it but it says "a good luck charm harvested from caster." you can found it in item.
How many times did you play this game to get 5 mill? You gotta do some pretty insane grinding there......
Lololol. No ^
I told her no at the very end.... bitch was being a dead prick, killing is not a bloody game.
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Battling this servant with the overrated magical fox girl would be the greatest battle of the losers all-time. Both of them are pretty weak and suck in battles pretty hard, especially Tamamo. She's very prone to raping, something she wouldn't stand that much at all. Spamming skills is the only way for her to survive in a single match. That's why a lot of people say she's the strongest in the late game for that very reason but otherwise, that's utter bullshit. They aren't taking the fact that she's still very vulnerable towards any countermeasures that can be made against her such as the code cast that temporarily disables the servant to use his/her skills for like two rounds, her MP getting low then eventually drained out if you get careless and shitty stats, especially her HP vs. other servants. Hence, she can fold too easily. That's why in the beginning chapter, she makes you feel a lot like a sore loser because she's just a plain dumbo bimbo slut who just always blurts out her feelings to you. Even if I have finished this game with her several times, I'd never recommend her. She's so lousy as a servant but it's up to you if you'll pick her.
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I’m so excited because my broken marriage has been restored & my husband is back after he left me and our 2 kids for another woman. After 8 years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that DR.Osasu can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before,All thanks to DR.Osasu . he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that DR.Osasu real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email him at:Account:
drosasu25@gmail.com , you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2347064365391,THANKS TO DR. Osasu
Hello all,
Why must we be confused by all this online scammers when we all know that there has never been any other oracle apart from the great spell casters called Dr Ajayi Ololo the great oracle and also i my self called Dr kuq ya that is greatest of all, Kuq ya means GREATEST AMONG ALL THE SPELL CASTERS IN THE WORLD. This oracle has been in existence for so many years even before i was born i inherited it from my great grand father. Since we have been existing we have never failed in solving any kind of problem anyone must have been having because we know the spirits that we serve we never lets us down, We perform various sacrifice to this spirits from time to time to make our powerful and doings effective. This temple is out on the internet to tell all of you that is wasting your time and also your hard earned money dealing with all this hungry souls that called themselves spell casters by bring cause to themselves by claiming to be what they are not, We advise you all that you should stop it as it is not right to do such, Because those spell casters that called themselves different names / temples are scammers and this temple is doing all within there reach to bring them to face the law. You will do this greatest oracle good by doing that. They are scammers and all those testimony there are posted by them also and not the people they have help,They are doing all this to get money to feed themselves and there family members. BE WARNED ALL OF YOU THAT NEED HELP FROM SPELL CASTERS, BECAUSE OF YOU ALL WE HAVE DECIDED TO COME ONLINE TO REDUCE AND STOP ALL THIS FAKE SPELL CASTERS, AS WE GOT PERMISSION FROM THE FBI. I have made so many of them online that are spoiling this great temple good work BLIND AND HAS LAID A CAUSE ON SO MANY OF THEM TOO. I am Dr Kuq Ya the messenger to the great oracle called Ya temple. This temple has helped so many people in the world as we know for reliable and durable spell work. In countries like: USA, Canada, UK, Irland, Singapore, India, Germany, Poland, Spain, Nigeria, South Africa and so many more to mention has great testimonies about this great temple. We have helped so many countries get there ANCESTRAL problems solve in recent times. But we are also extending this great offer to those that have any kind of problem, when i mean any kind of problem i mean any problem at all you might be having in this life,Such as getting your lover back,you want to be rich, you feel like using charms on someone to get something you like from him or her or getting your scam many back, wining a lottery and more. KUQ YA IS HERE FOR YOUR SERVICES AND PLEASE STOP DEALING WITH THOSE SO CALLED SPELL CASTERS THAT HAVE REALLY MESSED UP THIS WORK ONLINE. I HAVE NEVER BEEN ONLINE,BUT THE PRESIDENTS OF THE ABOVE COUNTRIES AND MORE CALLED ME ON PHONE AND ALSO PERSONALLY HOLD A MEETING AND THEY ASK ME THE MESSENGER TO START ADVERTING AND TELL ALL ABOUT THIS GREATEST ORACLE THAT IS SO DURABLE, PERFECT AND MARVELOUS TO SCAMMING THAT IS GOING ON ONLINE . I WILL BE ENDING HERE NOW, IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING BOTHERING YOUR MIND AND YOU NEED PERMANENT SOLUTION TO IT WITHOUT ANY SIDE EFFECT OR HARM, KINDLY SEND AN EMAIL TO THE FOLLOWING EMAIL ADDRESS: great.spellcaster@yahoo.com OR reach me on whatsapp via this phone number: +2349024891835. Thanks and may the spirits guide you to read and understand what i said and also we will be awaiting response from you all that have problems that want it solve at once. Have it mind that our spell casting here has no side effect, As it is just to grant you your heart desires without any problem.
My husband and I were going through a separation, after 9 years of marriage. I have seen that coming due to his reaction towards me. And I was about losing my home, then I had to contact Dr. Sunny, the love spell caster who cast powerful marriage blessings that reunited our marriage back together and also made our union stronger than as it were before. All thanks to Dr. Sunny for reuniting my home back we are living happily now contact Dr. Sunny for any marital problem's thanks to you Dr. Sunny you can contact Dr. Sunny via email solutioncentre911@gmail.com call or WhatsApp Dr. Sunny mobile number +2349056393169
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