The story revolves around a boy named Enma, who is a member of the Demon Patrol. A team of demons sent by the underworld to the realm of humans to subdue and capture rampaging demons that causes chaos and disorder.
At the beginning, I though this would be a childish show that would bore me to death but giving it a chance, I watched it till the end of the episode and I was surprised. The show was actually good or at least quite decent. The animation so far is excellent, but then again most animated series have decent to excellent pilot episodes to lure in viewers into thinking that the show is actually quite good so we should give this show till episode 4 to see if the animation quality will remain consistent. The show is full of dirty humor like that underwear floating on the above image, but with lovable characters such as Princess Yukiko and Harumi, who wouldn't want a little fanservice? I for one would like a lot, though I don't want it to have fanservice levels on par with Queens Blade, now that's a show which is pure fanservice.
Since this is the first episode of the series, let me first introduce the characters:
The Great Enma |
Princess Yukiko the Snow Maiden |
Harumi the Human Girl |
This is Harumi, the female protagonist of the show. She is somewhat an unofficial member of the Demon Patrol which makes her the only human member. She meets the team at the school campus when a demon that steals faces attacks her. She is voiced by Ayako Kawasumi one of my favorite voice actress known to have voiced Saber (Fate/Stay Night) and Leina Vance (Queen's Blade).
Kappaeru the Water Imp |
Old Chapeau the Talking Hat |
Chapeau is the brains in the team giving them knowledge and info about what their enemy would be like and how to defeat them. He's a damn talking hat, enough said!
This ends my review for this episode.
Stay tuned for more!
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