How to easily farm Megalixir and trade accessories that require them.
Main Character Setup:
- Weapon:
- Sexy Cologne
- Arm:
- Member's Card
- Head:
- Blond Wig
- Body:
- Silk Dress
- Set Bonus:
- Allure of Honey
- Battlegen Rate+50%
- Drop Rate+50%)
- Basic Accessories
- Sunrise
- Special Accessories
- Lucky Charm
- Rabbit's Foot
- Fake Mustache
- Dangerously Lucky
- Trade Accessories
- Anything with LUK+4
- Anything with LUK+4
- Anything with LUK+4
- Anything with LUK+4
- Anything with LUK+4
Adjust Level:
- Lv.100
- For maximum LUK stat.
Dummy Character Setup:
- Remove all except for one HP Attack
- Preferably the slowest HP Attack like ExDeath's Maelstrom or Emperor's Starfall.
- Special Accessories
- Training Ring
- So your dummy can't kill you and would be easier to BRV Break.
- Trade Accessories
- Guiding Light
- Wheel of Darkness
- The Youth's Dream
- Lust for Power
- Onion
- Roaming Clouds
- Twin Form
- Lone Heart
- Splendor of the Wind
- Basically any accessory that requires Megalixir to create.
- None
- So the enemy can't interrupt you.
Original Rule Setup:
- EX Force Absorption:
- Maximum
- Everything else:
- Minimum
If you want to Battlegen those accessories:
- Do the following to receive Battlegen:
- Wallrush
- BRV Break
- HP Attack
- EX Burst
- Finish the enemy.
- Receive Megalixir as component drop.
If you want Megalixir only:
- Change your accessory:
- Sunrise → Force to Courage
- Initiate a Chase Attack.
- Press
to chase the enemy.
- Receive a lot of BRV.
- Press
to do an HP Attack.
- Inflict 9999 HP damage.
- Finish the enemy.
- Receive multiple copies of Megalixir as component drops.
Where to buy this game:
If I want Hi-Elixirs only, exchange "sunrise" with "force to courage" then do the rest and I'm gonna receive megalixirs? is this a typo for Hi-elixirs?
Yeah, it's a typo. This guide is for Megalixirs so there should be nothing about Hi-Elixirs here. Funny that this guide has been up for so long and that typo was only reported now. Thank you.
The battlegen page(Before u enter battle)doesn't show the battlegen that I want to get. What did I miss?
What items are you trying to battlegen?
It doesn't work for me. I did everything like in your video but I can't farm megalixir. The only things that I can farm is the commun stuff like red gem, desire, hope, dream and ghost.
Did you properly set-up your character at the Friend Card Settings? Let's say that you equipped Cloud with Megalixir-items using Set D, you should also use Set D at the Friend Card Settings. Sorry, but this is the only common mistake I can think of right now.
No, I put the right set but I think that it's because I didn't boost the friands reward to lvl 10 in the PP shop. If that's not the reason I don't understand because I did everything like in the video exept that the behavor is different, me it's "cautious".
It's been a while since I last played this game, but as far as I remember Friend Reward doesn't affect drop rates so it must be something else. Sorry if I can't help you enough as I can't pin point the problem exactly.
If you are using the US version of the game, can you share your Friend Card (Dummy Character) data so I can check the problem?
Sorry but I am french ^^ so I suppose that I use the french version.
when editing the rule, do you have to equip the accessories from there? If so, i don't see the ones with megalixirs available. y?
can u just upload the friend card =="
2:31 Is that Japan DLC BGM you're using but just changed name to work in other regions?
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