Sunday, June 3, 2012

Phantasy Star Online 2: Dark Ragne

Not every mission are always available at the Quest Counter. Some missions are only playable during certain events and accessible only for a limited amount of time, they are called Emergency Missions. One of those missions is to protect the urban area from the enemy swarm and defeat the Dark Ragne.  

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Phantasy Star Online 2: Vol Dragon

Dragons have always been a staple in every Phantasy Star game. There was Dragon and Sil Dragon from the original Phantasy Star Online. We also have De Ragan and its many variants from Phantasy Star Universe. Here's the latest variant of its kind and the REAL boss of the volcanic area, Vol Dragon.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Cirnopoly: I'm Breaking My Limits!

I'm finally breaking my limits by exceeding the Power Level of 999,999. I should have written this post much earlier but the excitement of reaching this level was just too much that I can't help but punch rocks outside to test my new found strength. Unfortunately, I broke more fingers than rocks.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Phantasy Star Online 2: Caterdra'n

Here's the boss of the volcanic area, the Caterdra'n. From its name, It's pretty obvious that it came from the nouns "Caterpillar" and "Dragon", making this boss nothing but a larva of this area's real boss. This dragon might still be a baby but it's packed with a crystal tail that can smash rocks with ease!  

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Phantasy Star Online 2: Rockbears

I don't know what took me so long to post videos of this game, but here they are. This is the first boss that you'll encounter in the game, the Rockbear. If you think sticks and stones may break your bones, just imagine what those rock knuckles could do to you!  

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fate/Zero: Mother's Day Special

Of all the shows this season, I never would've imagined for this show to have an episode for this occasion. If you haven't seen the latest episode yet, then I suggest skipping this until you do. Trust me, you don't wanna ruin the most emotional part of the show.  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fate/EXTRA: Servant Archer

Archer is the middle ground between Saber and Caster. His fighting style is similar to Saber but his stat growth is similar to Caster, which won't benefit his fighting style that much. Aside from the dilemma in which status parameter to upgrade, he's relatively easy to play with. Here's a guide to playing Archer.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Phantasy Star Online 2: Character Creator

I was originally gonna post some awesome boss battles from Phantasy Star Online 2 Closed Beta but a certain comment caused me to change direction and write about the Character Creator instead. Expect to see a lot of skin and some female body physics.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Phantasy Star Online 2: Closed Beta Trial

My computer had some technical difficulties for like a month. By the time I got it fixed, Phantasy Star Online 2 by SEGA was about to start their Closed Beta Trial. Fortunately, I got invited to participate in this test and sample the game before the release date. I tell you, it was the most glorious 12 days of my life!!!  

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hatsune Miku: Live Concert in Tokyo 2012 (Part 2)

While it was somehow disappointing that the songs were almost unchanged from her previous two thanksgiving concerts, the improvements and slight changes they made to the music and the overall performance made this event a must watch for every Vocaloid fan.  

Friday, March 9, 2012

Hatsune Miku: Live Concert in Tokyo 2012 (Part 1)

I've been gone for a whole week and what did I miss while I was gone? Hatsune Miku's 2 day live concert. I've been anticipating this concert since mid 2011 and then suddenly forgot everything about it until now. I missed the livestream but luckily, I can still watch the replay anytime online.  

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Guilty Crown: Dear... (Ep.18)

After Shu was betrayed by everyone he trusted, he started blaming himself for everything. Inori tries her very best to nurse him back to shape and protect him from his enemies, but all he does is drown in self pity. Can Inori protect her beloved Shu or will she be consumed by the monster inside of her?  

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