God Eater Burst allows you to create and customize your own set of bullets by mixing different effects and elements. The game even allows you to modify the angle of trajectory and timing to maximize your bullet's efficiency in battle. Here's a few bullets that I use:

- This bullet is for players who prefer using blades and only uses guns to unload their OP in a single shot for some decent damage.
- Since this is a shot-type piercing bullet, suggested weapon of choice is a sniper.
- Maximum piercing damage can be achieved by equipping a Rank 10 "Arbalest X" but it will completely negate the elemental properties of your bullet.

- This shot uses homing bullets, so it will not work if you have equipments with "Disable Homing" like "Arbalest" and its upgraded versions.
- This bullet should hit the nearest enemy regardless of whether you are facing your target or not. The only exception would be if the target is outside of your bullet's maximum effective range.
- This recipe has been modified so you can shoot it twice at 100 OP with either a sniper or an assault gun.

- Like "Bullet Lancer" above, this bullet is for players who prefer using blades and only uses guns to unload their OP in a single shot for some decent damage.
- Since this is a radial-type crushing bullet, suggested weapon of choice is a blast gun.

- This bullet is for players who prefers to use their gun and would like to maximize their damage per OP ratio.
- Since this shot uses advance piercing bullets, not only does it hit the same enemy multiple times but will also hit other enemies on your bullet's path as well.
- The more enemies the bullet passes through, the less effective it becomes and less damage it will inflict. So don't hide behind a dead enemy just because your bullets can penetrate through them because it would weaken your shot significantly.
- This shot incorporates the "Knockback Effect" which not only gives you immunity frames but also replenishes your stamina as well. Effective when using the upgrade unit "Sniper Ace" which decreases OP consumption in exchange for stamina.
- You can observe the bullet in action below:

- I replicated this bullet recipe from someone else but I can't seem finish the mission with just a single shot. Firing it a few times should solve the problem though.

- This bullet isn't made to harm your enemies but to attract them instead.
- The idea is to fire a long-ranged homing bullet to the enemy and get their attention so they'll chase after you. Doing this will save you a lot of time chasing them since they'll be chasing after you instead. Effective in places where the enemy have a lot of escape routes like the Infernal Subway.

- This bullet will heal everyone around the player.
- No, you can't heal yourself with it.
Shiiit, those look so overkill O___O
That's what I call a sword!! :D
To be honest, i couldn't understand a darn thing hahaha i feel a little ashamed to admit it.
Holy cow! Look at the size of the weapon they're carrying!
im liking it!
The freeze one is something I'd consider using but that's just because I like ice-based attacks in general.
hi...i cant make bullet lancer...the last bullet(8) on impact of 7 L shot short range advanced pierce was a NoConnection...!i cant pierce with that bullet
Yes, the 8th bullet should have "No Connection" but since it's the last bullet, you won't need to connect any bullet afterwards. It is perfectly normal.
oh? thx! and...Another question! Radian wave will pierce same enemy body part? or only pierce though next monster?
element storm cant deal high dmg...but i saw other people that simile bullet fall above from monster that can deal over 5k @_@
i stick with radian wave and needle(for long body mobs)
i found all bullet from here are useful and simple =D
laser type can pierce same monster body to dmg all part tat pass through?
Sorry for multiple posting...can i have Better or hybird version for GEB(english) HDH IOD? please =X
Radials could hit multiple enemies if they are near each other but since Radials have a pretty short-range it would be quite hard to pull. It doesn't hit the same monster more than once.
HDH that deals 5,000 damage is impossible because you need 4 bullets just to launch the thing and only have 4 bullets left to hit the enemy with. My Elemental Storm deals only 2,000 damage but can be fired twice, so it could deal 4,000 damage if you use your whole OP bar.
Laser-type and Shot-type bullets can only pierce though multiple targets if you use advanced-piercing bullets.
All HDH bullets are already half an IOD since it incorporates the "Shot -> Orb/Control -> Multiple Bullets" recipe.
Snipe type gun does reduce OC 25% for laser type bullet right?
but it the bullet recipe was mix with laser and shot...so wat category of the bullet are in...
Each bullet in a recipe have its own OP consumption so it will be computed accordingly for each bullet type. Let's put Elemental Storm as an example. If you look at the recipe closely, you will see that it has 3 Shot-type and 2 Laser-type bullets. If you are using a Sniper Gun, 2 bullets will have a OP discount while using an Assault gun will give 3 of your bullets a discount.
I don't recommend using Assault Guns though because even though they give you discount for Shot-type bullets, their overall damage output are generally weaker when compared to Sniper Guns.
Nothing happened just holy nothing and error
i just started playing this game an lovin it loads thanks for the bullet things i think ill use them as ive broken my brain trying to work out the bullet things lol :) could i add you on my facebook or e mail as i allways play these games but never have a clue? (michael) :D
your bullets are monsters thanks for this
I dont know how to change the timing...
Anybody help?
too much idea inside my head...
i dont know how to have it timed. for example, '0.2 sec after 2'. like that. and how can i change it like 'On impact of 1'? all i can do is 'same as 1' and the like. i dont know how. :(
any help would be highly appreciated. :)
@August Ibong
press X at the bullet you choose, move the cursor thingy to the connector section(timing)
I have a question.when using arbalest it has 0 element multiplier right? does it mean that i could just one element to any monsters
just use*
Yes, since Arbalest doesn't have any element multipliers, so any elemental bullets you use will not deal elemental damage. Which means you could use the same elemental bullet to kill any monster without any disadvantages.
i noticed at the quick draw bullet that there's a difference in the video and the recipe... i tried using it at the mission and the bullets didn't hit anything... is there something wrong with the recipe?..
wow thats coll
Cool Man!!!
I'm Liking It!!!
i like it
That Radial Wave is so strong I defeated Arda Nova in a few hits!
i have to make a arbalest x :D
wrong element for quick draw its ligtning, not freeze
DAMN ITT!!! you are a freaking GENIUS!!!!
btw what do u recommend gun type for 1 shot user all out damage???
Thanks bro, are you have any bullet recipe again?
Thanks guys, i have a lot of bullets now in my inventory :)
why my chip is not the same
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