The second Master you'll face in the Holy Grail War is Sir Dan Blackmore. A knight who fights with great honor and dignity but his Servant seems to think otherwise and prefers killing the enemy behind their back. Here's a guide for the second week of the game.
The Second Selection
Day 1
- School Building 2F:
Enemy data is announced on the bulletin board. Your opponent is Dan Blackmore.
Enemy Servant Matrix Level 0.
- Commissary:
New items available in the shop.
500 PPT
Shockwave-1st Strike
6,000 PPT Aromatic Wood
12,000 PPT - Rooftop:
Talk to Rin Tousaka to learn about Noble Phantasms.
- Nurse's Office:
Talk to Sakura to receive your weekly supply of healing item, Ether Shard.
- School Building 1F:
As you head to the Arena Entrance, you will see an event with Dan Blackmore and his Servant. Afterwards, your Servant will then ask you if you're ready.
I'm good! Hold up a sec...
- Second Chimeric Lunar Sea — First Floor:
Here's the complete map for this dungeon. Click to enlarge.
Taiga's Request and Rani's Request will only show up on the map if you accept their respective requests during Day 2.
- Poison Barrier:
The whole Arena is poisoned and you'll find yourself gradually losing some HP. Your Servant will point out the cause and as you try to go there, you'll see another event with Dan and his Servant which will make your Servant want to attack them. You must stop your Servant at all cost or it's Game Over for you.
Let Saber do as she wants. Restrain Saber.
Let's bring them down. Let's stay quiet.
Come on, Caster, let's get 'em! Stay silent, stay hidden.
Destroy the Yew Tree and proceed to crawling the dungeon like normal.
- First Cipher Key:
Grab the Trigger Code Gamma before exiting the Arena as you'll need it on Day 7.
Day 2
- Private Room (Saber):
Special conversation with Saber. Viewing this conversation is required for your Servant to reach Matrix Level E before the end of the game.
Speak with Saber
Save Leave your private room
You can choose any option below but the 3rd option makes her the happiest.
A bold emperor? A feared tyrant? A beloved idol?
- School Building 2F:
Talk to the Female Student just outside the classroom then talk to Rani just before the stairs. You can choose whatever option you like, they won't affect the outcome of the game.
Huh? Your name, a second-year student.
You discovered me on your own? Why are you telling me this?
Rani will volunteer to help you gather some info about your enemy but she ask you to collect 3 relics for her inside the Arena first.
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Taiga Fujimura and she'll ask you to search for some Persimmon inside the Arena.
Of course. Sorry. No can do.
- Second Chimeric Lunar Sea — First Floor:
Your mission is to search for the 3 items that Rani asked you to. They are the Antique Arrowhead, Broken Arrow and Feather Fletchings. Check the map and look for Rani's Request to know their exact location.
- Taiga's Request:
Grab the Box of Persimmon before exiting the Arena as you'll need it on Day 4.
Day 3
- School Building 2F:
If you want to visit the Chapel or the Commissary then I suggest going there by hittingand warping there as going to the School Building 1F would immediately trigger the next event.
- School Building 1F:
Event with your Servant. Since the 1st option leads to a Dead End, you must select the 2nd option or it's Game Over for you.
Run to the schoolyard and regroup Escape into the Arena
- Second Chimeric Lunar Sea — First Floor:
The enemy will appear once you reach a certain area in the map and you'll be attacked with poison arrows. Enemy Servant Matrix Level 1.
Exit the Arena as fast as you can before the poison kills you or it's Game Over. For some reason, you can't use the Return Crystal to warp outside instantaneously so you have to manually run to the exit.
Day 4
- Nurse's Office:
Event with Dan Blackmore and his Servant. Enemy Servant Matrix Level 2.
- Private Room (Archer):
Special conversation with Archer. Viewing this conversation is required for your Servant to reach Matrix Level E before the end of the game.
Speak with Archer
Save Leave your private room
Perform an alteration of the Soul? Set him up for absolute humiliation? Maybe things are fine as is...?
Is it excruciatingly painful? Are you afraid of the process? If that's so, sorry I mentioned it.
- Library:
Search the shelves and gather some info about the Yew Bow.
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Taiga Fujimura and give her the Box of Persimmons. She'll ask you again to search for someone's glasses inside the Arena.
Sure, why not? No way.
- Second Chimeric Lunar Sea — Second Floor:
Here's the complete map for this dungeon. Click to enlarge.
Taiga's Request will only show up on the map if you accepted her request.
- Second Cipher Key:
Grab the Trigger Code Delta before exiting the Arena as you'll need it on Day 7.
- Taiga's Request:
Grab the Demonic Eye Blockers before exiting the Arena as you'll need it on Day 6.
Day 5
- School Building 3F:
Talk to Rani and she'll give you additional information about the enemy Servant.
- Commissary:
Buy some Remedy or equip the Aromatic Wood just in case you need to cure poison in the coming Servant battle.
- Second Chimeric Lunar Sea — Second Floor:
You'll meet Dan Blackmore and his Servant just before the exit, so I suggest healing up if your HP isn't full before facing them.
- Servant Battle:
Victory Condition: Survive for 3 turns.
His skill inflicts poison so use the item Remedy or code cast cure() if you have it equipped. You'll receive more information about your enemy after the battle. Enemy Servant Matrix Level 3.
Wall of Thorns
Target: Enemy
Inflicts magic damage on an enemy.
He will use this skill on the 6th move of the 3rd turn.Poisoned Arrow
Target: Enemy
Inflicts physical damage and poison on an enemy.
He will use this skill on the 2nd move of the 2nd turn.gain_str(16);
Raises Servant's strength.
The effect would only last for 3 turns.
It is possible to take down this Servant with Saber or Archer if you invest most of your SP into upgrading their strength but there is no reward in that accomplishment. Just the satisfaction of destroying anything in your path.
Day 6
- Classroom 2-A:
Event with your Servant. Choices doesn't matter.
Why are you hesitant? If you don't want to...
Immediate victory. Future victory.
I believe you'll win. Your ears are cute. - Private Room (Caster):
Special conversation with Caster. Viewing this conversation is required for your Servant to reach Matrix Level E before the end of the game.
Speak with Caster
Save Leave your private room
The options below would make her the happiest.
I'm getting used to fighting. I'm getting used to you. You're a tricksy one.
Tell me about your abilities. Tell me about things you like. ...Tell me your true name.
- Library:
Search the shelves to gather information about The Faceless King and Sherwood Forest.
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Taiga Fujimura to give her the Demonic Eye Blockers and she'll give you the key item Taiga's Houseplant as a reward. You can view the said item inside your Private Room.
Day 7
- Private Room:
Organize your information about the enemy Servant.
Organize your information. Save Leave your private room
It's Saber, I believe. It has to be Archer. It's Rider.
Yew Bow. Fragrant Bow. Blessed Bow.
Sherwood Forest. Forest of Darkness. Schwarzwald.
Enemy Servant Matrix Level E.
- School Building 1F:
Talk to Father Kotomine if you are ready and select the first option to proceed.
Enter the Coliseum Continue Preparations - Elevator to the Coliseum:
Before the battle, you and Dan will have a little chat along with your Servants and you'll be given a few options to choose from. The choices would only affect the conversation, nothing else.
RESULT A Ask him why he fights. RESULT A Meet his gaze. RESULT A Um... Got any hobbies...?
RESULT B No, I don't. RESULT B Depends.
END I don't know. END I have nothing against having fun.
- Servant Battle:
Victory Condition: Defeat Archer. (6,317 HP)
His Noble Phantasm inflicts deadly poison effect. The effect stacks with the poison that Poisoned Arrow inflicts which makes it easy for him to inflict damage equal to half of your maximum HP at the end of the turn. This can all be avoided by never allowing him to poison you in the first place.
Wall of Thorns
Target: Enemy
Inflicts magic damage on an enemy.Poisoned Arrow
Target: Enemy
Inflicts physical damage and poison on an enemy.
He will use this skill on the 2nd move.The Faceless King
Target: Self
When in effect, all attacks are successful.
The effect would only last for 1 turn.
ATTACK, GUARD and BREAK will be countered by the appropriate move so use Skills to counter this effect.Holy Bow of Supplication
Target: Enemy
Condition: Enemy is poisoned.
Inflicts poison that eat away at the enemy.
He will use this Skill on the 2nd move.
The deadly poison effect of this Noble Phantasm stacks with normal poison.gain_str(16);
Raises Servant's strength.
The effect would only last for 3 turns.add_regen(8);
Slightly heals HP at end of the turn.
The effect would only last for 2 turns.
- Aftermath:
Your Servant will ask you about your impression of Dan. The choices won't even affect the conversation so it's harmless to say that it doesn't matter what you choose.
Yes. No. I don't know.
End of the Second Round
This guy could have easily won the Holy Grail War if he just let his Servant fight the way he wants to. He let his pride as a knight get the best of him which cost him the war. He still acted fearless and honorable until the end unlike Shinji who cried for his life.

Great walkthrough , thanks for sharing :D
This all seems so amazing~
I really need to get my friend to borrow me her PSP :C
alrite, good to know
great walthrough!
I like this even more every time.
Thanks for sharing this.
That maps reminds me of tibia!
Woah it must have taken you awhile to put all this together! Nicely done.
Nice walkthrough, good job putting it together.
These guides are so good. I wish I had this game. ):
Good one.
looks like a good game
a game, again. haha!
Great walkthrough! I'm not too knowledgeable about the F/SN franchise but I'm kind of interested in this game just for that cute fox girl with pink hair I keep seeing posted everywhere, haha.
wow that was detailed! Thanks.
great blog, supported!
shinji should be interchangeable with crying bitch
Week 2, Day 1
-Come on, Caster, Let's get 'em!
-Stay silent, stay hidden
First choice = dead end
when organizing info it didnt have the 3rd question. instead it had a question about the stars and stuff. did i mess something?
I have a really hard time when I didn't upgrade my Caster to level 13 when I was at round 1, in the end I (almost )have to replay the whole thing again, so could i know what level should my caster be for this Round 2?
I've noticed that Archer(Dan)'s first move is always 'GUARD'
I'm pretty sure about that, please confirm it though, to be sure...
So that you can stack up with another strategy [ex:(caster)use chaos heaven to stun him)
uh, after 2nd week, a cutscene occured with Julius Harway and his servant, is that normal, or did I miss something?
For Talking with Archer my third choice isnt what you have up there. Is there something you need to do to get that third choice
Near dam impossible to beat Archer with Caster even at level 15 without Matrix E...fucked up and left arena without getting the third item for Rani
what level do i need to clear this
Funny moment with Archer before the Elimination Battle. He told this one to Caster.
"So run back to your hole, fox monster!"
I don't know why but I couldn't stop from laughing when I saw that for the 1st time.
Well, considering that Dan Blackmore is a grizzled old soldier following orders and the Shinji of Fate/Extra is an 8-yearold kid who didn't even know losing meant death, comparing their reaction is rather unfair. Still, great guide.
I'd like to point out that, for his Noble Phantasm to be activated, all he needs is for you to be poisoned at the start of the turn. So if you're poisoned and use a Remedy on the first turn, he'll use his Noble Phantasm on the second nevertheless~.
I am grateful for your guide, however, I do not agree with your end of second week comment. He could have won the war if he hadn't "let his pride as a knight get the best of him" costing him the war. He stayed true to his self. No one ever had nightmares from being too honorable. Standing proud and tall OR dying cold in the mud, sometimes honor is all we have. Only having made it this far, Dan is my favorite character.
This is the best guide that i ever met. I'm new on the game and decided to play with caster ;) I deleted that save and started a new one with saber. (Just killed archer now) Going to the third selection :) thanks
The best thing that could have happened in this round would be seeing Green Archer raping the shit out of Caster instead of just teasing her for being the dumb certain overgrown bimbo fox slut she is.
Meanwhile, there is a conversation in Day 6 where Caster desperately attempts to flirt with her master. She becomes so dumbfounded and hurt a lot once you call her "a tricksy one". I recommend to all calling her that. After moaning a bit, she tells you some stupid stories she knew from parables and proceeds to question why men act the way they are. Frowning already, she then begs for your sympathy by telling you that she is a shrine maiden protecting a temple, which is her master's body but confesses that when you compare her to that green-clad trickster, she is only reminded that she's only a devious fox, after all. What a delusional servant.
After that, it proceeds to a scene where she tries to flirt you more but suddenly decides to tell you to ask anything about her and that she'll gladly answer it but I dare all of you, don't fucking believe her on this shit. Try asking her true name and she starts to hesitate, obviously trying to take back the words she let out earlier. She then asks you one more time if you really want to know her true name, already fearing you might not like her anymore upon learning it. If you still insists, she starts to throw a tantrum and tells you that your gaze is making her melt.
Then the stupid bitch suddenly blurts out that she's not a legitimate legendary soul and believes that you're disgusted by that fact already. In a desperate attempt to end the conversation, she cries out loud that she won't tell you and that the session is over since her chest got all squeezing at that point. Moreover, she runs to the back of the room as she flails her arms like the coward slut she really is....
Wow, what a fucking unbelievable pathetic cutscene, all because she doesn't want to tell you her stupid name! Now it only seems like this servant is trying to hide something from you because she has some sort of tricksy motives
and that she's so afraid of being exposed. That only leaves her master losing his trust on her and becomes dumbfounded as he wonders what makes her think he'd be disgusted by her true identity...
Oh well, that's Casko for you, a truly dumb, bitchass fox who lies a lot. No wonder the emperor from an ancient century had to cast her away during her time. That's why never trust a stupid goddamned fox, especially one that comes with a pair of golden turdlike ears and a golden turdlike tail.
Well, we don't have to worry any longer. Once this puny gold digger perishes from being the weak asswipe she is, there will be a special place in hell waiting for her. So... REJOICE! REJOICE! REJOICE! MIKON MOTHERFUCKER NO MORE!
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